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Zotac VX900-A179P Drivers Download

This page contains the list of device drivers for Zotac VX900-A179P. To download the proper driver, first choose your operating system, then find your device name and click the download button.

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Operating System:
Device Name: VIA Chrome9 HD IGP
Driver Date 2012-07-10 File Size: 5.39M
Driver Version: Vendor: VIA
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit
Device Name: Atheros AR9002WB-1NG Wireless Network Adapter
Driver Date 2014-03-25 File Size: 22.26M
Driver Version: Vendor: Qualcomm Atheros
Supported OS: Windows 8 32 & 64bit
Device Name: Atheros AR9002WB-1NG Wireless Network Adapter
Driver Date 2013-06-24 File Size: 40.78M
Driver Version: Vendor: Qualcomm Atheros
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8.1 32bit, Windows 7 32bit, Windows Vista 32bit, Windows XP
Device Name: Atheros AR9002WB-1NG Wireless Network Adapter
Driver Date 2014-12-11 File Size: 144.71M
Driver Version: Vendor: Qualcomm Atheros
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 64bit
Device Name: Atheros AR9002WB-1NG Wireless Network Adapter
Driver Date 2013-12-12 File Size: 233.51M
Driver Version: Vendor: Qualcomm Atheros
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 8 32 & 64bit
Device Name: Atheros AR9002WB-1NG Wireless Network Adapter
Driver Date 2014-08-22 File Size: 77.7M
Driver Version: Vendor: Qualcomm Atheros
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit
Device Name: Atheros AR9002WB-1NG Wireless Network Adapter
Driver Date 2014-11-24 File Size: 50.45M
Driver Version: Vendor: Qualcomm Atheros
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit, Windows XP
Device Name: Network Controller
Driver Date 2014-03-05 File Size: 1.23M
Driver Version: Vendor: Ralink
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8.1 32bit, Windows 7 32bit, Windows Vista 32bit
Device Name: Network Controller
Driver Date 2014-11-25 File Size: 11.74M
Driver Version: Vendor: Ralink
Supported OS: Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 8.1 64bit, Windows 8 64bit
Device Name: Network Controller
Driver Date 2014-04-09 File Size: 21.89M
Driver Version: Vendor: Ralink
Supported OS: Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 8.1 64bit, Windows 7 64bit, Windows Vista 64bit
Device Name: Network Controller
Driver Date 2013-06-10 File Size: 3.87M
Driver Version: Vendor: Ralink
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit
Device Name: Network Controller
Driver Date 2012-08-24 File Size: 3.15M
Driver Version: Vendor: Ralink
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit, Windows XP
Device Name: VIA Velocity Compatible Management Adapter
Driver Date 2010-06-29 File Size: 837.25K
Driver Version: Vendor: VIA
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8.1 32bit, Windows 7 32bit, Windows Vista 32bit, Windows XP
Device Name: VIA Velocity Compatible Management Adapter
Driver Date 2010-12-13 File Size: 1.57M
Driver Version: Vendor: VIA
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit, Windows XP
Device Name: Dolby Home Theater v4 - VIA HD Audio
VIA Chrome9 HD IGP
Driver Date 2010-05-13 File Size: 13.74M
Driver Version: 5.1.7600.0102 Vendor: Dolby Laboratories
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8.1 32bit, Windows 7 32bit, Windows Vista 32bit, Windows XP 32bit
Device Name: Dolby Home Theater v4 - VIA HD Audio
Driver Date 2010-12-29 File Size: 82.29M
Driver Version: 7.2.7000.4 Vendor: Dolby Laboratories
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit, Windows XP
Device Name: High Definition Audio Device
Driver Date 2014-11-05 File Size: 281.53M
Driver Version: Vendor: VIA
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit
Device Name: High Definition Audio Device
Driver Date 2013-12-16 File Size: 175.61M
Driver Version: Vendor: VIA
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit, Windows XP
Device Name: Microsoft Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) Bus Driver for High Definition Audio
Driver Date 2004-03-05 File Size: 218M
Driver Version: Vendor: Microsoft
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8.1 32bit, Windows 7 32bit, Windows Vista 32bit, Windows XP
Device Name: VIA MSP Module Bus
Driver Date 2006-06-21 File Size: 5.24M
Driver Version: Vendor: VIA
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8.1 32bit, Windows 7 32bit, Windows Vista 32bit, Windows XP
Device Name: ITECIR Infrared Receiver
Driver Date 2009-06-11 File Size: 4.43M
Driver Version: 5.1.0000.2 Vendor: ITE
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit, Windows XP
Device Name: Bluetooth Controller
Driver Date 2011-12-06 File Size: 339.96K
Driver Version: Vendor: Ralink
Supported OS: Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 8.1 64bit, Windows 7 64bit, Windows Vista 64bit, Windows XP 64bit
Device Name: Bluetooth Controller
Driver Date 2014-11-21 File Size: 81.33M
Driver Version: Vendor: Ralink
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit, Windows XP
Device Name: Ralink Bluetooth Adapter
Driver Date 2013-11-29 File Size: 84.8M
Driver Version: Vendor: Ralink
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8.1 32bit, Windows 7 32bit, Windows Vista 32bit, Windows XP
Device Name: Ralink Bluetooth Adapter
Driver Date 2014-01-14 File Size: 81.14M
Driver Version: Vendor: Ralink
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit, Windows XP
Device Name: Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader
Driver Date 2012-12-21 File Size: 2.16M
Driver Version: 6.2.9200.30150 Vendor: Realtek
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8.1 32bit, Windows 7 32bit, Windows Vista 32bit, Windows XP
Device Name: Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader
Driver Date 2015-06-09 File Size: 13.64M
Driver Version: 10.0.10125.31214 Vendor: Realtek
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit, Windows XP
Device Name: VIA USB 2 Hub
VIA USB 3 Root Hub
VIA USB eXtensible Host Controller
Driver Date 2014-01-20 File Size: 63.45M
Driver Version: 6.1.7600.4501 Vendor: VIA
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit
Device Name: VIA USB 2 Hub
VIA USB 3 Root Hub
VIA USB eXtensible Host Controller
Driver Date 2014-05-29 File Size: 63.45M
Driver Version: 6.1.7600.4701 Vendor: VIA
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 & 64bit, Windows 8.1 32 & 64bit, Windows 7 32 & 64bit, Windows Vista 32 & 64bit, Windows XP
Device Name: VIA USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller
Driver Date 2002-09-09 File Size: 839.3K
Driver Version: 5.1.2600.1106 Vendor: VIA
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8.1 32bit, Windows 7 32bit, Windows Vista 32bit, Windows XP 32bit
Device Name: VIA USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller
Driver Date 2002-04-15 File Size: 1.92M
Driver Version: Vendor: VIA
Supported OS: Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8.1 32bit, Windows 7 32bit, Windows Vista 32bit, Windows XP